Wednesday 13 May 2015

Getting Kids to Read, Read, Read Using Books with iPad Apps, Websites and Other Outstanding Technology Resources

During my flying visit to Chicago (which was a grand total of three days), I got to participate in a seminar run by the BER (Bureau of Education and Research). The seminar was a great day of learning as well as providing me with the opportunity to meet some international teachers. I was seated next to a lady who was a reading specialist teacher and compared our teaching roles and schools. I showed photographs of my town and could barely hold in the laughter at the responses I got from the city teachers... "What do you mean you can't fly to your town?!" but I was equally as shocked when I heard stories of the individual grades of their school being the same size as my entire K-12 school!

The seminar/course was all about moving into 21st century learning, and how learning how to read needs to evolve with this - because now we not only need to teach children to read print texts, but a variety of digital medias and multimodal text types. Children need to by able to apply different skills to be successful at reading each type of text, and we also have to make sure that our classroom practice has balance between digital and print mediums.

One of the things that made me very happy about attending this course, was learning about Apps that I have seen a lot of in my Australian school visits. You might say "boring and repetitious" but I think it's great to see that educators around the world are agreeing on what quality Apps are.

One of my favourite new Apps for the day is called 'Spot' by David Wiesner. No games, no bells and whistles, this is purely a visual literacy text. You open the App and use two fingers to 'pinch and expand' the screen. As you keep doing this, you enter numerous new microworlds with the most amazing illustrations and animations. I suggest watching the YouTube clip about the App, it's unreal!!!

We looked at some books that involve Augmented Reality (AR) such as the Guiness World Records 2015 and The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore, whereby you combine the print text and an iPad App to literally bring the book to 'life'.

I have downloaded some of the Book Apps suggested from 'We Are Wheelbarrow Pty Ltd' and 'Nosy Crow' which have App versions for books like 'The Wrong Book' (it is even read in an Aussie accent) and think these Apps are of a good quality for children to be able to engage in independent reading activities. I like how children can have the books read to them but can also record themselves and practise being 'expressive readers' like the App. Some of the Nosy Crow books even have the added options of children being able to choose different 'paths' for the story and how it ends.

Although we looked at many amazing Apps and I would find it so easy to get carried away downloading them all, I need to remind myself that the curriculum comes first and foremost. It is always important that the teaching intention is clear THEN we find an App that may be suitable to support that, not the other way around.

A New Certificate for my Fridge

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Arriving in Chi-Town and Meeting Ms Ziemke

I realised today that I was getting quite behind in the ol' Blog updates, so I'm going to spend my evening trying to catch up on the past week. I've had hurdles due to wifi issues (literally could only access wifi while sitting on the floor of the bathroom of my hotel room), sickness (acclimitising to Chicago's FREEZING weather was a massive shock to my system - apparently it's spring, but I beg to differ!) and lastly it is difficult to "pen" (type) your thoughts when you're not exactly sure of all the ideas and thoughts that are spinning around in your head!

I arrived in Chicago (AKA Chi-Town) late Saturday night and nearly fell asleep on the reception desk. I managed to keep it together and make my way to a more suitable sleeping location (my hotel room). The next day (Sunday) I met up with my friend Anna, who is a teacher in down-town Chicago and she took me around to experience the city (like eating Portillos hotdogs) as well as discussing current educational issues locally and in the state of Illinois. It was interesting to hear some of the challenges of her local community and we discussed the very different learning needs of her city-kids (that have never seen the stars) to my outback-kids. 

Kristin Ziemke and I outside the Chicago Art Institute
While I was in Chicago I had the absolute privilege to meet with Kristin Ziemke. Kristin is a Grade 1 teacher in the city along with being a co-publisher of the Heinemann text 'Connecting Comprehension and Technology'. She is an Apple distinguished educator and Chicago's Tech Innovator of the Year. Not a bad little collection of accolades, but it was easy to see how she has earned these after spending the afternoon with her and reading her book. How did I hear about Kristin... well I found her on her Blog... And then I found another fabulous teacher that is her friend that I will be meeting up with in Vancouver, Canada. How good is the World Wide Web?! (I'm really not sure how teachers would have planned these scholarship tours without Google).

I'm unsure if the book is actually available in Australia - I'm yet to find it... I did look at ordering it from Amazon but the shipping costs were phenomenal. But lucky for me, Kristin gave me a copy as a gift. The reason I have come to love Love LOVE this book is because of it's explicit nature (it literally shows you HOW to incorporate iPad technology - QR codes!) and because it links so well with the Focus on Reading program which many educators in NSW are trained in. The terminology is slightly different, but essentially it is 'The Super 6 Comprehension Strategies' and teaching children that good readers are good thinkers. 

Kristin shared with me lots of examples of extending the classroom experiences using iPad technology to read and respond to literature, both in it's traditional forms and in digital modes. An experienced educator sharing lessons and ideas is always so motivating to hear. Because of her work as a educational leader, I was able to hear not only tales of her classroom, but of those that she been apart of across the USA! 

A fabulous read!

The book has been quite the enjoyable 'in-flight' read, and I hear that another title is coming out soon. Cannot wait to read it too!

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Putting My Research Hat On...

The last part of my stay in Melbourne has focused on evidence-based practice and theory and hanging out with people 'who know a lot more stuff than me' about education research. One of the main reasons that I applied for this scholarship was because of the lack of information that I was able to find about technology and Aboriginal Education, and I've been curious as to why this is... With iPad technology being around for over 5 years now and lots of research being conducted to give recommendation for iPad use with other student populations (for example students with ESL backgrounds or students with additional learning needs), why is it so hard to find information and recommendations for Aboriginal students? I've heard that there are some factors that might be deterring professional researchers from engaging in Aboriginal education studies, such as difficulty passing proposals with ethics committees, but regardless of the why, I really want to know MORE! I am a firm believer that anything I do in my classroom needs to have some sort of EVIDENCE to demonstrate that it has been a proven beneficial teaching and learning strategy that is appropriate to the learning needs of my students.

My first stop on the quest to find more knowledge was at DEECD (Department of Education and Early Childhood Development) where I met with the Senior Project Officer for the Digital Learning Branch, Brooke. Brooke was able to steer me in the direction of lots of great journal articles about iPads (at least a dozen!) that cover many different aspects of their use within classrooms, unfortunately none specifically address Aboriginal Education, but they have been beneficial resources nonetheless.

With Dr Eva Dakich, State Library of Victoria
The second stop was a meet-up with Dr Eva Dakich from La Trobe University. Dr Dakich created a document called 'Learning in Motion: Connecting Schools and Knowledge for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children: Investigating iPads for Learning and Literacy' along with fellow researchers Neil Hooley and Tony Watt. Thus far this is one of the very few formal documents I have been able to find about iPads to improve literacy outcomes and engagement for indigenous students. Although the focus group for this research was junior high school, it was great to hear first-hand from Dr Eva the opportunities and challenges faced when she engaged with this research project.

My final port of call was with Caja Gilbert - the Research Assistant to Professor Nicola Yelland (the head Director of Research in the College of Education at Victoria University). I have read a lot of Yelland's work because I find her articles enjoyable to read (and without too many over-complicated words that I need to look up in the dictionary). Caja and Nicola are about to embark on a research project specifically looking at improving literacy learning outcomes for Aboriginal students in Pre-School settings - using iPads!!! It was great to talk about the project and learn how the researchers go about getting their work published from idea conception to the end product. The estimated time for this article to be published is this time next year... I can't wait to read it!

From these meetings and discussions, I've become inspired to further my capabilities as a researcher... I am currently half way through a Masters degree and thus far I have managed to avoid all the research-based subjects. I've always been a lover of consuming other people's research - not a creator! But now with the support of these professionals, I've been given some wonderful opportunities to network with their research and offers of guidance for any future projects I wish to embark upon. Dr Dakich asked me if I would perhaps consider doing a PhD after completing my masters... my theory is you can never be over-dressed or over-educated, so why not?

Monday 4 May 2015

Melbourne School Visits and rubbing shoulders with Victoria's Principal of the Year (2013)

During my stay in Melbourne I was lucky enough to visit two very beautiful schools. I was starting to have some classroom withdrawals, so my two days in these schools was a welcome change of pace to my study tour and a great opportunity for observing iPads being used as part of regular classroom routines. 

My first school visit was to St. Albans Heights P.S., located in a diverse multicultural area North West of the city. The majority of the student population speaks English as a Second Language, making literacy a core focus for the teachers here.

The principal here, Helen Otway, was a key person I wanted to track down as part of my study tour as she was a participant of the ‘iPads for Learning’ trial in Victoria at her previous school – (as well as being named Victoria’s Principal of the Year in 2013). This trial happened 5 years ago, giving Helen a number of years of experience implementing this technology into classrooms.

At St. Albans they were at the ground roots phase of implementing a 1:1 iPad program in the P-2 (Prep is the NSW Kindy equivalent) classes which is quite a different approach to what I’ve seen in other schools – usually the iPads are given to the senior primary students before eventually filtering down to the younger students. When I talked to Helen about the reason for this, I received the best response… “21st century learning is part of the curriculum as much as literacy and maths is now. We don’t wait until our students are in year 5 before we teach them how to read, so why would we wait until then to expose them to technology. We need to start from the very beginning and teach them to be good digital citizens before they get older and have already begun forming poor digital habits”.

One of the unique things about the 1:1 iPad program here is that the parents have been responsible for purchasing the iPads, as school funds simply could not cover the costs. The device type was stipulated and ordered through the school and around 75% of parents have participated in this. The remainder of students are supplied with a school purchased iPad – so all students have equal access at school, but they can’t take the school purchased iPads home.

Play and Say
While observing, I got to see iPads used in a variety of contexts as a tool to enhance the learning experience for students. The most exciting lessons I got to observe were ‘Play and Say’ sessions which is a speaking and listening focused program team-taught by the classroom teacher and the EAL/ESL teacher. This program is all about allowing students to practise speaking in Standard Australian English in an imaginative and explorative play-based environment. Students are assigned roles such as Journalists, Video Recorders and Guest Speakers which require them to report back to the group – but to do these jobs successfully they have to communicate with their peers. I can see the benefits of implementing such a program in my context to improve speaking and listening skills and support transitions from Aboriginal English to Standard Australian English in a positive and enjoyable play-based environment. When students develop a better understanding of language and its structure, it will transfer to their reading and writing skills. After all, ‘if we can say it, we can write it, and if we can write it, we can read it’

Green Screen Production Room 
My second school visit was to Warringa Park School, a special education school located near Hoppers Creek. Warringa Park has an extensive (and I mean EXTENSIVE) eLearning program that includes a 1:1 iPad program for all students (over 400 iPads provided by the school) , a digital media room, Apple TVs in every classroom and even a Green Screen video production room.

In Warringa’s Annual School Report, it states that over 95% of students made good learning progress in 2014, with staff firmly believing that this is attributed to the eLearning program.

In talking with the teacher’s there, I saw a flip-side to the uses the iPad has as a learning tool. Seeing the digital portfolios that staff  have created for the students in their classrooms, you can see how beneficial the iPad can be for teachers and tracking the learning progress of students. Seeing these records, that teachers and support staff input -written data, photos and videos of students engaging in tasks at the touch/swipe of the iPad was amazing to see (and at no extra work for the teacher because the kids do the work/take pictures or video themselves and send this to their teacher). The implications for this in assessing, reporting and differentiating the curriculum is enormous as well as being easy to share with parents to help form learning communities between home and school.

I greatly enjoyed my time at both schools, and felt very lucky to be welcomed so warmly. It’s so inspiring to see great educators going about their core business in innovative and dynamic ways and I appreciate every minute of time they were able to spare – because let’s face it, time is a precious commodity in the world of teaching and learning!

Warringa Park School