Thursday 23 April 2015

School Visits Begin

With Principal, Mr Paul Taylor
My visit to Turramurra North Public School, was in essence, what this whole tour is about...  I've gained a wealth of new knowledge, networked and have been absolutely inspired.

Paul Taylor, coincidentally, has also been a recipient of not one but two NSW Premier's Teaching Scholarships. Through his tours, he has researched 21st Century Learning and how to best lead the pedagogical transformations that come with this. His knowledge of the SAMR and TPACK models has deepened my understanding of ICT pedagogy - here are some links if you want to know more:


The most exciting part of this school is the 'Sebel Hub' a shared learning space for three classes (76 kids) in which three teachers work together in a 1:1 iPad environment.
Paul stated that the classroom environment had to change to suit the change in teaching and learning practice - the move from teacher-centred "talk and chalk" instruction to Project-Based Learning requires flexible and fluid spaces for students to engage in Creating, Collaborating, Communicating and Critical thinking (the 4 C's of 21st Century learning). How inspiring to see a school sprinkle 'a little caution to the wind' (only a little bit though because they researched carefully first) and come up with this phenomenal work space for their students. I've taken some amateur video of the space for you to see below (seriously, the kids of Turramurra North would scoff at how archaic my iPhone videoing skills are). See if you can spot the different zones of the room - Instructional, Collaboration, Communicating and Independent.

Check out what the students think about their learning space (and what good video editing looks like from their Stage 3 students) here:

Besides gaining a wealth of knowledge, I have also established a budding network between myself and TNPS. Paul gave me his word that when I begin to implement programs he "will be there every step of the way". Turramurra North Public School and Lightning Ridge Central School... It doesn't get much further apart, or different than that. But that is the beauty of this whole adventure!

1 comment:

  1. We are waiting the next installment!... John and Vicky
